You will be please to know OUR SALAD IS UNWASHED. To sell salad as 'washed' we would be obliged to use a disinfectant chlorinated solution. All big retail salad is washed in this stuff, to comply with food safety standards chlorine must be used. We will not be washing our salad. We take great care when picking and packing our salad. We are inspected and approved of by The soil association, food hygiene, health and safety, and trading standard inspectors. Our aim is to create a balance where we provide habitats to naturally encourage predators to eat the pests when the plants are in the ground, and in the packing room we sort through every leaf, but if the odd slug gets through, you can be pleased to know, our salad is unwashed so YOU WILL NOT BE EATING CHEMICALS!
They call this time of year 'the hungary gap', when winter crops are coming to an end and summer crops are not ready to harvest. However, we do have some delicious vegetables available. This week we have been harvesting Spring onions, purple sprouting broccoli, spinach, chard, lettuces, parsley, spring cabbages, radishes and mixed salad leaves. With many seedlings planted out recently, we are sure to have an abundance of produce coming up too. i think there'll be enough broad beans to feed all of Newcastle Emlyn . We now have three flocks of hens, who are laying eggs with great enthusiasm. No need to go hungry! As well as the salad and eggs, we now have courgettes, spring onions, fresh garlic, radishes, broad beans and kale, and a selection of herbs including basil, dill, and chervil. Find our produce at the Carrot cruncher, Riverside health, Riverside cafe, Pachamama bistro and Cartws cafe We now have free range hens that are organically fed producing class A eggs for sale. February...20.02 28.01 18.11 23.10 03.10 ….These first few days in October have seen the beginnings of polytunnel installation. Almost one tunnel has been prepared with ground tubes set in concrete. Another will after a mornings work be ready with holes dug for the ground tubes. The other two have been marked out. The end of June and a walk around the fields finds them teaming with life. Butterflies hoverflies and bees are busy in the Buttercup patches. Spiders jump away from exploring finger tips on the damp earth. Ladybirds and other beetles can be found roaming about in clumps of flowering nettles. Then suddenly I see a large aerobatic flyer darting about over the gently swaying purple grasses: the Golden-ringed Dragonfly! (Photos of this impressive insect can be found on the British Dragonfly Society website…)
AuthorsAl: Organic grower/shepherd. CategoriesArchives
May 2020